We’ve worked on projects all over the world, many in quite remote locations. Some of our project locations include Northern BC, Northern Alberta, Saskatchewan, Labrador, Baffin Island Nunavut, Nevada, USA, Venezuela, Panama and Madagascar. Members of our team have also worked on projects in Africa, The Middle East, Asia and South America.
Jansen Potash Mine
Jansen, Saskatchewan, Canada
Members of our team supplied and installed Phase 1 of the construction communications systems:
Site wide Fiber optics
Copper cabling for the offices
Temporary communications shelter
Cobre de Panama Copper & Gold Mine
Colon Province, Panama
Members of our team supplied and installed:
Phase 1 of the construction communications Radio Systems.
Ambatovy, Madagascar Nickel Mine & Plant Site
Members of our team designed, supplied and installed:
Temporary satellite communications systems
5 large communications towers
500 kilometers of fiber optic cable
Voice & data communications systems
CATV and entertainment systems for two 10,000 man construction camps
Access control systems – CCTV security cameras throughout the site
Fire alarm systems throughout the site
BP Noel Gas Field
Dawson Creek, BC
Members of our team supplied and installed:
The fiber optic communications network
The CCTV camera systems
Hardisty Pipeline Project
Central Alberta, Canada
Members of our team designed, supplied and installed:
The CCTV System
Crystallex International Corp.
Las Christinas Gold Mine
Members of our team designed and supplied:
The voice and data communications system
Cape Dyer DEW Line Site
Baffin Island, Nunavut Canada
Members of our team designed, supplied and installed: